Sunday, September 6, 2009


The day of Opening Ceremonies was very busy! Aaron and I had a morning tennis practice session at the Olympics tennis facility. I thought the practice went good and I was happy with the way I was hitting. The tennis facility is very nice with 16 outdoor tennis courts. We were able to practice for about 2 hours then we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Aaron's family arrived here on Friday so they have been with us watching our tennis practice and going out for lunch.

Tennis facility at the Deaflympics

Pizza delivery moped

My athlete ID card

After tennis practice and lunch, I headed back to the hotel to get ready for Opening Ceremonies! We had to meet at the lobby at 5pm to take the bus over to Taipei Stadium where the opening ceremonies was held. The USA team had to wear the ceremonies outfit which was a nice blue shirt with tan pants and sandals.

Aaron and me getting ready for Opening Ceremonies

Roman and me on the bus to Opening Ceremonies

Once we arrived to the stadium, we paraded through the crowd of fans giving them high fives. We kept walking through the crowd until we arrived to a room in the Stadium where there was a big screen TV. All
the athletes from around the world was seated in this room watching the Opening Ceremonies on the big screen TV. Towards the end of the ceremonies, we were able to march to the stadium, waving to all the people, country by country. I videotaped almost ALL of the Opening ceremonies and the country march to the stadium! It was the coolest experience that I have ever had!

The opening Ceremonies Stadium

Aaron, Kyle and me getting ready to watch the Opening Ceremonies on TV

The USA crowd watching the Opening Ceremonies

Me giving a thumbs up after walking out on stage at the Opening Ceremonies

Some of the fireworks being displayed at Opening Ceremonies

After the ceremonies was over, we headed back to the hotel to rest for another fun day on Sunday.

Until next time...

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