Thursday, September 17, 2009


Wednesday was the last day in Taiwan. It is hard to believe that 3 weeks have gone by and now I am leaving to go home. I was happy and sad at the same time. I was excited to go home and see my family and friends but I know that I will miss everyone and everything about Taiwan! Being there for 3 weeks have changed my life. I will never forget the memories and friendships that I have created throughout my travel for the Deaflympics! It was the best experience that I ever had!!! :) We left the hotel at 12pm and our flight was at 3:45pm. We waited around a few hours to get ready for our long 11 hours flight home. On the flight home, I barely got any sleep. I purposely stayed awake so that I could be really tired when I get home. The plane ride was way too much fun! The flight attendants were like bartenders and were serving us free beer, wine, vodka. It was like a party on the plane since most of the athletes were standing around drinking and playing games. Aaron and I with some athletes played a card game called Phase 10. It was a lot of fun!

Our airplane traveling back to the USA

Waiting around at the gate in Taipei

Me and Hugh hanging out on the plane

Me and Robert hanging out on the plane

We arrived in Los Angeles around 12pm and received our luggage shortly thereafter. I said goodbye to everyone and got ready to leave Los Angeles at 4:15pm. I arrived home in Wisconsin at 11:45pm and went to bed at 1:30am. My Taiwan trip is over! :( But I hope to compete for the 2013 Deaflympics in Athens, Greece! :)

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