Saturday, September 12, 2009

My last Saturday in Taipei

I have been in Taiwan for over 2 weeks! It has been AWESOME and I can't believe it's almost over. :( Today was my last Saturday in Taipei. Aaron and I decided to go watch the Women's Volleyball team against Japan. The USA team won 3-1 and are off to the FINALS for a chance at GOLD! After the game, we decided to shop around the area for shoes. We ended up not getting anything but enjoyed a nice meal at McDonald's! haha. Aaron and I had a strawberry sundae and a chocolate sundae respectively. It was delicious! :) We headed back to the hotel to relax then went out shopping around the hotel with Aaron's parents. We ended up going to a shopping mall and found an American flag on a stand. We thought it was so cool so we took a picture of it!

Me with the American Flag

Aaron with American Flag

The tunnel underground in Taipei

After shopping, we headed back for dinner at the hotel. Tomorrow I am playing an exhibition tennis match against a girl from Greece for fun! I am excited to go out and play tennis with other players for an exhibition match.. Then I will watch the Semifinals of Men's Basketball. It should be another fun-filled day tomorrow! :)

Until next time...

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