Saturday, September 12, 2009

FRIDAY: Wrestling and Basketball

Friday was another fun day in Taipei. I woke up early to take a 7:30am bus to the Wrestling site. Aaron and I wanted to watch Kyle and Mark wrestle freestyle in the middle weight and heavy weight divisions respectively. Wrestling freestyle is wrestling using your whole body so it is far more intense and fun to watch. Kyle won the BRONZE medal in his division!!! We are all so proud of him! :) After wrestling, I headed back to the hotel to relax. The wrestling site is farther away from the hotel so I was tired from traveling bus to bus.

In the afternoon, Aaron and I went to watch Men's basketball against Spain. The USA team won their quarterfinal game! I
t was a hard fought game until the 4th quarter when the USA team pulled away. While I was at the game, I met an Australian guy and a Britain guy. The Australian guy was here as a fan and the Britain guy is a media for the Great Britain team. It was pretty cool to learn about their country as I talked to them. After the game, I headed back to the hotel for dinner then I chatted a few hours with some of the USA soccer guys! It was a fun day overall.

On a side note: check out the USA Deaflympics website at There are some photos of me and Aaron playing tennis. Click on the photos on the homepage then click on the tennis gallery. Here below are some pictures:

Hitting a forehand at practice

Hitting a forehand volley

Hitting a backhand

Hitting a forehand during a match

Until next time...

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