Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A fun filled day!

Today was a great day of tennis! At the morning practice session, I was able to hit around with a Chung Cheng University guy player and could really play well with him. It was a lot of fun to hit around with different players and I was happy to be able to keep up with his hitting. We were lucky enough to get an afternoon practice in just before it rained again. Aaron and I played mixed doubles again and we lost but it was much closer and we both were happy to see an improvement with our doubles game. Overall, today was a great day of tennis since both of us were happy with how we played. Below is a picture of the tennis group:

Some of the University players and their coach with Aaron and me

For lunch, Aaron and I went to the same place where we had the n
oddles and beef meal at the food court mall and ordered the same meal again. It was delicious as usual! While we were eating, there was a group of 3 younger Taiwanese teenagers kinda looking over by me and smiling. They would get up from their table and wave and smile as they walked past me. Then they would still be glancing over at me as they sat down to the table next to us. I was wondering what was going on. After awhile, Aaron and I got up to head back to the hotel and I walked past them and one of the teenagers said are you Jennifer? I said yes and they wanted a picture with me. The whole time they knew who I was and why I was here in Taiwan. It was pretty cool. I guess I'm kinda famous here. It was just a neat experience especially being recognized in a completely different country.

This afternoon was a lot of fun. Besides having our afternoon tenni
s practice session, Aaron and I and a few sports teams decided to watch scrimmages of Men's basketball, Women's volleyball, and Men's soccer. We watched the teams scrimmage against the National Chung Cheng University players. The volleyball players actually scrimmaged against the Boy's volleyball team and not the girls. All 3 USA sports teams won their scrimmages!!! GO USA!!! Here below are some pictures and a video of the basketball game:

Team USA Women's Volleyball(in Red)

Team USA Men's Soccer(in White)

Team USA Men's Basketball(in Dark Blue)

Team USA Men's Basketball

Team USA Men's Basketball

A short clip of the Men's Basketball Scrimmage

It has been a long and exhausting day but a lot of fun! I am hoping for another good tennis practice tomorrow and another beautiful day in Taiwan!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Great job with the photos and video!!! We are really enjoying this along with a bunch of other people that continue to tune in. You are getting "famous" here in the states too!! LOL :)

