Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Last Day of Tennis Competition at the Deaflympics

Today Aaron and I bowed out of the mixed doubles tournament at the Deaflympics. We lost 6-1, 6-0 to the Germans. With this loss, we are officially done with the tennis competition at the Deaflympics. We were happy to win at least 1 match especially for our first time being at the Deaflympics. I am a little bummed out that I couldn't advance farther in singles and mixed doubles but I am very proud of how hard me and Aaron played and that we never gave up during our matches. The experience meeting other deaf tennis players from around the world and playing for my country was amazing! I am so glad I was able to go and play for USA! Perhaps, maybe I will represent USA for the 2013 Deaflympics in Athens, Greece!!! Now, I can enjoy being a fan and watch USA soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc for the duration of the Deaflympics! It should be fun! :)

After our match, we took a taxi to try to watch Roman fight in Taekwondo. Unfortunately, we missed his first match and he lost which means he is out of the competition. It is a bummer because we were looking forward in watching Roman fight.

To pass time waiting for the bus, Aaron and I and our security girls decided to have fun doing some funky handshakes. Aaron and I would always slap high fives after our matches and today we remember a handshake that was very popular in Elementary School...we were teaching our security girls how to do it. We took a video of it. Enjoy!

Me and Aaron with our handshake

Yu-Shieh and Ya-Weng learning the handshake

Me and Yu-Shieh doing the handshake

After we headed back to the hotel, Aaron and I decided to order Pizza Hut and eat in the hotel room. Then we took a cab to watch USA Men's Basketball against Turkey. USA won 114-42! Tomorrow we are going to watch USA Men's Soccer against Russia in the Semifinals and also the Women's Volleyball Team. It should be another fun day tomorrow!!! :)

Until next time...

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