Sunday, August 30, 2009

The first 2 days of training

Since I am a couple of days behind with the blog. I figured to compile the first 2 days of training into one post. On the first day I got up and had a breakfast buffet at the hotel. Aaron and I boarded the bus with other athletes to the training site. We had a 10:30am practice at the University about 15 minutes from our hotel. The sports facility is old but still in great shape. The practice lasted about 1 1/2 hours. I was a little rusty at first because I had to adjust to the court surface and the heat/humidity. With the heat and humidity that day, it was 117 degrees outside!!! Argh! Too hot and sticky for a Wisconsin girl like me! Of course Aaron would keep saying it's not too hot for me because I am from Texas. haha! After practice, we headed back to the hotel. I decided to try some Taiwan food at food court mall for lunch. Aaron and I ordered the same meal. Some noodle thing with cooked vegetables. I used chopsticks for the first time.

Me eating lunch using chopsticks

Tennis courts at the training site

After lunch, we would rest up for another practice session in the afternoon. Unfortunately, it rained so Aaron and I did some cardio workouts and some volleys indoors at the gym. I had dinner at the hotel again and went to bed early.

Today, I was up again for tennis practice in the morning. It was a lot better. Aaron and I fed drills so we were able to get some good hitting in. The weather was 10 times better today which was good. I didn't feel like dying on the court. Thank goodness! Instead of getting Taiwan food, Aaron and I ordered a large cheese pizza from Pizza Hut for lunch. It was delicious! For the afternoon practice it rained again for the 2nd day in a row. We did some more running and volleys. It is a bummer because we are the only sport that can't do anything if it rains because we don't have indoor courts at the training site. All the other sports are either indoors or can play in the rain. Hopefully the next 5 days we will be able to get an afternoon practice in. We headed back for dinner at the hotel and hung out with the athletes. Now, it is time for me to go to bed. Goodnight!


  1. Jenny - thanks for the great update. We are very excited to hear things are going well. Everyone is asking how you are doing and we are giving them the blog to follow. We will try to find the Taiwan interview - very cool and a legitimate "breaking news!" We look forward to more details and pictures.

    Mom, Kevin & Katy

  2. Go Jenny

    We are so proud of you
    Jennifer B
