Monday, August 24, 2009

Last day of Personal Training with Karina

Today was my last day of personal training with my trainer Karina. Over the past 3 months, I have been working extremely hard to improve my strength and conditioning to prepare myself physically for Taiwan. I had a 1 hour session with Karina 3 days a week. She had me do a variety of different workouts including lunges, pushups, stairs, hills, bosu ball workouts, sprints, and many more. I did a lot of running on the side to increase my endurance when I was not with Karina for my personal training session. My running length would vary day to day anywhere from 1 1/2 miles to 4 miles. I enjoyed running on my own. The past 3 months have been awesome! I lost a total of 14 pounds and have slimmed in my waist and thighs. I feel so much better about my body and am ready physically for my tennis matches. Knowing that I can be out there for long matches because of my fitness really helps my mental part of the game. I am physically and mentally strong and am ready to play some tennis! :)

Below are some pictures of my workouts! Enjoy!
Pullups on bosu ball
Lunges on bosu ball

Overhead squats
Medicine ball toss, one leg on bosu ball
Medicine ball toss, one leg on bosu ball

Medicine ball circled around both legs

Medicine ball figure 8 between legs
Medicine ball toss on stomach

Medicine ball toss on stomach

30 seconds mountain climbers

Side shuffle 30 sec. each side
One leg on side, one leg on ball shuffle

I'm off to Taiwan in 2 days!
Until next time...


  1. Pics look great, Jenny! It was an amazing summer of focused training as you prepared for your big event. It was a thrill watching your transformation from athlete to finely-tuned machine. =) You should be proud of your accomplishments as you pushed yourself to find that next level. Now get over there and kick some tail! Good luck, and keep the posts coming.

  2. These are GREAT Jenny! Focus, concentration and smiling all in one! That is awesome!
    YOU are awesome!
