Saturday, August 29, 2009

Finally in Taiwan!

It's been a couple of days since I posted anything. A lot has happened and I am excited to share as much as I can to you. My flight to Los Angeles went great. I made it on time and was able to meet up with Aaron at the baggage claim. The two of us took a shuttle bus to Westin Hotel where we got our massive duffel bag and our team USA outfits. We hung out for a few hours and met other deaf athletes especially the wrestling team. There was a team dinner and meeting at 6pm that evening then we were off to the airport to get ready for our flight to Taiwan.

My duffel bag, tennis bag and backpack

Aaron and me with Coach Howard in our USA warmups

The guys from the Wrestling Team and me

We waited around for about 5 hours at the LAX airport. To pass time, I played some cards and chatted with the other athletes. It was fun to get to know more people. Finally after the long wait, we boarded Malaysia Airlines about 1:10am. We were off to Taiwan!

Malaysia Airlines welcomes USA Deaf Olympics

We arrived in Taiwan at 5:30am after a 12 hour flight. The good news was we actually arrived an hour earlier than expected which made me happy. I don't think I could stay on the plane any longer than that since I sat in the middle 4 seat section. It was a little uncomfortable but I got some sleep which was good.

After we arrived, the security guards directed us throughout the airpo
rt where we went through the customs center and got our luggage. One of the coolest things that I got to experience happened next. We were leaving the baggage claim to the bus station and there were a bunch of people from Taiwan waving American flags and waving at us all lined up. They all seem excited to see us and some had signs that said welcome USA Deaflympics! I actually got a video of this which was awesome. As I was walking pass the people a bunch of reporters for the Taiwan news came up to many of the coaches asking for me. Supposedly, the reporters knew a lot about me and they wanted to ask me some questions. That was quite an experience. I was shocked that they knew about me before I arrived in Taiwan. The whole experience was surreal. Below is a picture of the interview.

Interview for the Taiwan News

Some of the USA Deaf Athletes and the Taiwan fans

Me with my passport in front of the Customs Center

We finally boarded the bus for a 3 hour drive south to Chiayi City where our training site and hotel is located. There were 6 buses that carried all the athletes and coaches. We had extra security since there was a police car in front of the buses and one in the back of the buses. It is pretty cool to have special security like that. After about an hour on the bus, we had a restroom stop. To much of my surprise, I came upon a very strange looking toilet. I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do. The good news, there was other types of toilets that we were familiar with at the restroom
stop so I was able to go to the bathroom.

The strange looking toilet

We arrived at the Nice Prince Hotel in Chiayi around 12pm. The hotel is very beautiful. The hotel has 17 floors with a 8 floor mall attached to it. I met my roomate Colleen from the Women's Vollyball team and get settled into my room. Aaron and I got some lunch at KFC across from the hotel with the Wrestling team. I could barely eat the chicken because it was extremely spicy. We were able to walk around town as well. It's a crazy city because there are so many mopeds driving around. Here are some mor
e pictures.

Our hotel with the mall. I am on the 13th floor

The view from my hotel room

We had dinner at the hotel and then a team meeting afterwards. I was in bed by 8:30pm that night since I was exhausted from traveling. Up early the next day for me and Aaron's first day of training.

Until next time...


  1. Love your blog.Good luck Jenny,we are rooting for you and the U.S A teams, Gramma and Grampa Hippy.

  2. Jennifer

    I love your blog also. Way to go and thanks for keeping us informed.

    Jennifer B.
