Sunday, August 16, 2009

Countdown to Taiwan: 10 DAYS!

I remember last September when I received an email from my Coach Frank Barnes about the Deaflympics. I never heard of the Deaflympics and thought that it was quite interesting. I researched more about it and saw it was going to be in Taiwan the following year. I talked to my family about this opportunity to represent the USA at the Deaflympics and they encouraged me to tryout. There were 2 tryouts for the USA team. One was in October in Maryland and the other was in December in Arizona. I wasn't able to attend the 1st tryout in Maryland because I was finishing my fall season of college tennis at Whitewater. However, the 2nd tryout in Arizona was over winter break and my mom and I were able to attend the tryout. The tryout went fabulous! I had a great time meeting other deaf and hard of hearing tennis athletes. Some I still talk/text to as of today. Unfortunately not everyone that made the USA tennis team was able to come to Taiwan. Aaron from Texas and I are the only 2 people that are going for the USA team. It's too bad but we will have a great time nevertheless.

Aaron and me in Texas when I visited him. We are sporting matching tennis me, this wasn't planned. I happened to bring this outfit for the mixed doubles tournament we were playing.

The group at the USA Deaflympics Tryout in Tucson, Arizona

After the tryout, in January, I received an email from the United States Deaf Sports Federation that I was selected on the USA Deaf Tennis Team for the 2009 Summer Deaflympics in Taiwan! I was thrilled to hear the news.

A lot of things happened since I found out I was selected on the Team. First, I finished my college tennis career at Whitewater in which our team was able to go to Nationals for the 2nd year in a row. Secondly, I graduated college in May. Lastly, I trained hard with my Personal Trainer, Karina and played lots of tennis over the summer!

Karina was such a positive influence on me. She motivated me and made me believe that I could do great with my fitness level at Taiwan. I wasn't in the best shape physically at the start of summer but Karina pushed me to be the best I can be for Taiwan. Over the past summer, I lost a total of 14 pounds and I feel so much better physically and am so ready to rock my matches! Thanks Karina!!! :)

It is hard to believe that 8 months have passed and in 10 days I am off to Taiwan. A lot of hard work has been put in to prepare myself for the Deaflympics but I know it will be worth it in the end. It has been a long journey to get to where I am now and I am happy that it is finally here. Only 10 more days!

I wanted to thank everybody for your support and encouragement as I march on to Taiwan. Thanks Again!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Jenny,

    I am so proud of your determination with the Deaflympics trip and to represent the USA on your quest! What a trip of a lifetime! I just know your focus and determination to do the best that you can do will be with you the whole trip! And best of all I get to "travel" with you throughout your adventure! Who is going with you?
